The making of an Ad

QiProjects Ad in Brides New Jersey magazine, 2008 edition. Pgs. 203 and 213

Don’t think it was easy! The full page ad we are currently running in Brides NJ put us to the test of understanding each other and our goals. The hard part was choosing the image(s).

Perhaps the hardest thing for a photographer to do is choose his or her own portrait. Second is choosing his or her best image. My idea of the image that best represents great photography is usually a well designed portrait with great lighting, very sharp detail and most importantly an immediate recognition of the character of the person, whether a bride or hot dog vendor. Nestor agrees with most of the above but he is also looking for great artistry, including background and most importantly a unique statement. He wants the image to transcend or exceed the normal or typical. Nestor will often shoot from unusual angles and or include a complex blend of natural and flash lighting.

So, having said the above, how did we choose the image for The Ad? The first attempts were based upon a full page layout with a montage of images that showed the range of work we have done as well as the wide range of clients and types of weddings. Choosing then was pretty easy. If you checkout the portfolio section at the website, we just selected from those images. Samantha had no problem making the montage look great because that is what she does in the album design all the time. But, then the ad got to be too busy! We understood we only have a few seconds to draw a Brides attention to our ad, therefore it had to be “attention getting”.

We also had the problem of what to say in The Ad. With a full page ad, we can put in a lot of info. So we fooled around with bullets to summarize the main points of our service. Another attempt was to describe why we are different from “all the other photographers”. Which we really are… primarily because of the very personal service and rapport we develop before the wedding. The result is that we are able to capture the joy and fun of the wedding day. One client recently said, “Hi, Paul and Nestor! Had a chance to peruse your website and I LOVE everything about it. Great photos. What I find wonderful about the images is the sense of energy and FUN and storytelling that is unique to each person and event that you shoot. I enjoyed reading the blog, too. Very personalized and interesting. Offers an intimate glimpse into your life, family, friends and respective interests and backgrounds. Kudos!”

It soon became clear that we had to "KISS" (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) We agreed it had to be just one image. That’s tough to do with one photographer but with three plus all our close friends and family, who gave advice (requested or not) it’s almost impossible.

To add to the problem, we really have a great choice of images to choose from. We really believe we can pick from any wedding at random and there are numerous great pictures of the Bride and the group shots. We also have the luxury of some great location shots such as Central Park or at the beach or WestPoint or beautiful Churches. So what to choose?

But then came the major the problem of “what will distinguish us”. Hence, the final idea to choose just one atypical image. An image that shows fun, style, attitude, as well as a glimpse of the range of images we can acquire at each wedding. I have to admit that, at first, I was not in favor of the image we finally used.

I know the bride and family very well so I voted for a more glamorous image of Amy. But, Nestor and Samantha really loved the image showed above, because it just screams FUN.

When we finally decided to turn The Ad 90 degrees, bleed to the edge and not to include any information other than our name and contact then, I agreed too.

We felt that we had achieved the purpose of the ad. To instantly capture the reader’s attention, get them involved (by having to turn the book) and hopefully impart a sense of uniqueness that will motivate them to contact us. The tie breaker was that the Bride loved it! Amy had previously decided that this was one of her favorite images from the day!

It also helped that the folks at Brides NJ supported us …thanks to Jessica P.

So let us know what you think of the ad?

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